Take the first two letters from my name (Patty), then the first two letters from the names of my two favorite men in my life (David & Magnum)...and there you have it; "Padama"!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


*What is road rage and why does it happen???

~What is road rage?: Violence exhibited by drivers in traffic, often as a manifestation of stress which in turn, may cause aggressive driving.

~Why does it happen?: I've heard many opinions on this matter but allow me to give an opinion from my own personal experience...
Apparently some people (otherwise known as morons!!) do not know nor understand the rules of the road (who knows, maybe some of them do know & understand but just refuse to accomodate those rules).

For those of you who are unaware of what each highway lane represents... shall I enlighten you? I think I shall!!
But before I do, I thought (hmmm?.. scratching head) if you ARE a licensed driver, this means you passed "the test" and should already be aware of such rules.
Ok, on to the enlightening part now...

~Right lane: This is the slower~paced lane (I don't mind if you're a nervous pilot, but this is probably the lane for you).

~Middle lane: This is the travel~lane. This lane is for the people who are traveling at a higher velocity than the right lane. In other words, cruising along (nice!).

And last but not least (this is where my road rage usually occurs):
~Left lane: Better known as the "passing lane". That's right people, hence... PASSING!!

You should not be in the left lane unless prepared to pass another vehicle (this being my biggest pet~peave).
So, why is it that I have to spend most of my commuting time waiting (at times, not so patiently) for people to get out of the frigg'n way??? Which in turn, entices me to speed even more, just from annoyance, to pass the idiot(s). It creates not only the potential for road rage, but also for accidents. In some states, they will actually ticket you for lollygagging around in the "go lane" and I bet they don't do it nearly so often.

I don't mind when other motorists pass me. Heck, if they want to temp fate and possibly end up with a moving violation... that is fine with me. I just ask that the rest of you do the same for me when I want to accelerate pass your azzzzes!!!

Keep this as a mental note: If people are passing you on the right, then you need to pull out of the passing lane (you won't be judged for doing so)!

So, which is worse... road rage itself OR what/where it stems from (hence, ignorance toward the rules of the road)??

Some of us may need anger management because of this but it's usually because of those others (you know who you are) who need to study their driver's ed handbook once again to brush up on what they've apparently forgotten.


1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! You're the voice of all the rest of us frustrated drivers out there!!
